
Current state of Sustainable Tourism in Finland

Credits: Julia Kivelä


Sustainability the Finnish Way: 2023 Report unveils sustainable tourism milestones

Aiming for more sustainable future in tourism industry, Finland sets a new benchmark with its latest sustainability report
Credits: Julia Kivelä

Measuring the carbon footprint in the tourism industry is becoming more common

The 'State of Sustainable Tourism 2023' report by Visit Finland highlights progress in the travel sector's sustainable practices. For example, almost half of the companies participating in Visit Finland's Sustainable Travel Finland programme track their carbon footprint. Despite this, the report raises concerns about nature loss. Although climate change mitigation measures are already widely in place, the fight against habitat loss is still in its infancy. 

While there's been success in reducing emissions with almost all of companies actively participating in climate change mitigation measures, more work is needed.

Companies are implementing concrete steps

Even though nearly all companies in the STF programme are actively engaging in climate change mitigation measures and have already seen success in reducing emissions, further efforts are essential. The Tourism Carbon Footprint Calculator developed by Visit Finland helps businesses manage and reduce their carbon outputs. 

"Measuring your carbon footprint is challenging but important, as it helps you understand the most significant sources of emissions and guides you in making effective decisions to reduce emissions," says Visit Finland’s sustainable tourism expert Liisa Kokkarinen

In another positive trend, year-round tourism has grown by 17%, with 84% of lodgings now open all year. This growth helps distribute tourist traffic and economic benefits more evenly throughout the seasons. 

Peatland restoration is one of proactive environmental actions

With tourism's deepening environmental consciousness, more than 70 Finnish tourism industry businesses have already joined the Glasgow Climate Declaration, aiming for zero emissions by 2050 and to halve emissions by 2030. Signatories recognize the need for joint efforts in cutting emissions and enhancing the environment, such as restoring peatlands. Finland ranks third globally for the number of signatories, and Visit Finland seeks to boost this number in the near future. 

The 'State of Sustainable Tourism 2023' report, collaboratively assembled by Visit Finland, Sitowise, Digia, and analyzed by WSP Finland Oy, merges data from the Sustainable Travel Finland metrics, spotlighting the persistent push for sustainable travel innovation and cooperation. 

Link to the report >> 

